An example of dealing with file names with spaces in them

This example won't make much sense unless you're coming from the Useless Use of Cat Award Page

	$ # Create file names with spaces in them
	$ touch "moo bar"
	$ touch "foo bar baz"
	$ ls -1 *
	foo bar baz 
	moo bar
	$ # Try to list them in a for loop
	$ for f in *; do ls $f; done
	ls: foo: No such file or directory
	ls: bar: No such file or directory
	ls: baz: No such file or directory
	ls: moo: No such file or directory
	ls: bar: No such file or directory
	$ # Okay, try with double quotes around $f instead
	$ for f in *; do ls "$f"; done
	foo bar baz
	moo bar
	$ # Now demonstrate the bad impact of the backticks
	$ for f in `echo *`; do ls $f; done
	ls: foo: No such file or directory
	ls: bar: No such file or directory
	ls: moo: No such file or directory
	ls: bar: No such file or directory
	ls: baz: No such file or directory
	$ # Even the double quotes don't help anymore:
	$ for f in `echo *`; do ls "$f"; done
	ls: foo: No such file or directory
	ls: bar: No such file or directory
	ls: moo: No such file or directory
	ls: bar: No such file or directory
	ls: baz: No such file or directory
	$ # Getting desperate sure doesn't help any either:
	$ for f in "`echo *`"; do ls "$f"; done
	ls: foo bar baz moo bar: No such file or directory
(Tip: Create a temporary directory under /tmp for small experiments like this. Remember to clean up after yourself when you're done.)